Illustrations made alive, illustrations that tell stories.

Challenge & Goal
The purpose of such illustrations is to summarize the podcast message even before listeners could engage.
Thirty Days of Lunch is a podcast started by Fellexandro Ruby and Ario Pratomo with the purpose of reinventing the lives of the listeners, one lunch at a time.
They’ve had people telling the story from surviving financial problems, twenty people who went on a holiday for free on business class flight, young moms who know investment & cryptocurrency better than their husbands and many more stories. Learning from speakers such as GaryVee, Mbak Najwa, Willgoz, Catwomanizer, Ernest Prakasa, Achmad Zaky to name a few.

Goal & Result
Repurposing the same illustration.
We also have been exclusively requested to custom illustrate their social media covers such as YouTube thumbnails, digital posters, Instagram reel covers and Spotify covers.